In their optimism it seemed like an easy fix and they thought they'd be able to free her within a matter of minutes. We gathered some tools to try to get the door open but nothing was working from the outside at all. We soon realized that it would also be impossible for us to slide any tools under the door to our daughter because it was sealed so well at the bottom. She tried to be resourceful as she found a pair of scissors in a cupboard and attempted to take out the pins in the hinges of the door but with no victory. My husband and son worked on the lock for about an hour and a half before they realized that all of their efforts had been in vain. The later it got, the more hopeless the situation seemed. As with all of these 'special' family events, we’ve learned that we need to stop and pray for God’s divine intervention. We've also realized that the sooner we truly grasp what God intends for us to learn, then hopefully the sooner He would free us from the situation and move us onto the next lesson.
It was late in the
evening and we knew that a locksmith would not be available to help. Besides the ultimate utter embarrassment that it
would cause our daughter to have some strange guy come and rescue her from her
very own bathroom, we knew it would cost money to call a professional
anyway. Although we are surely not against calling in additional help, we were really trying to keep this little event contained to our own family. After praying, we realized our only other rescue option at that point was for us to
go in through the second story window from the outside with a tall ladder. This
solution was not the most desirable but there was no other alternative other than
waiting until the next day. We do live way
out in the country where it gets very dark at night, and to top it all off, it was
also beginning to pour down rain and storm.
Always striving to look at the bright side, I thanked God once again that at least we do not have close
neighbors nearby who can watch us or videotape all of the ridiculous shenanigans we find ourselves in.
Although our daughter is usually quite a calm person, there
seemed to be some evidence of panic and fear resonating in her voice as she
desperately demanded several times to be set free. My
husband attempted to comfort her by letting her know that we would surely be
able to get her out in the morning when we could see clearly outside and the
storm would be over. Needless to say, she was not very thrilled about the possibility of spending the night sleeping
in the bathroom. This is exactly the
kind of incident where parents may wish that they had trained their children to
be better survivalists. As much as we
tried, there was nothing we could say that was going to comfort her or make her
feel better about the whole situation. Her fear and panic turned to tears and we knew
we simply had to get her out!
Dead set on liberating our helpless child from the recesses
of the bathroom and demonstrating their protective manly abilities, my husband
and son were determined to brave the nasty weather and dark of night. Thankfully, our teenage son was small enough to climb up the
ladder to the second story and climb inside the window. (Because this has now happened a few times, our sons are quite skilled at climbing
tall ladders, sliding through second story windows and saving the day.) Once inside the window, he was then able to use the screwdriver and within a few minutes was able to disassemble the inside of the door knob enough to finally get the door opened. Even though our daughter had resigned herself to the
possibility of sleeping with towels on the cold bathroom floor, she was so
relieved to be free at last! Now we could all get a good night sleep
knowing our fiasco had ended and all was well.
All in all, we were thankful that our daughter was only “stuck” in the bathroom for about two hours instead of overnight.

We all have those
periods when we have felt stranded as we endure difficult times in our lives
and just want to be rescued from our difficult trial. At times we become weary of struggling, feeling
like we’ve endured enough and are figuratively banging on the door in an effort
to be removed from our trial. God has
been teaching me lately that those are the times when He wants me to quiet my
soul and realize that He is in complete control of everything. He desires that we come to the point where we abandon our own selfishness and bow our will to His, eagerly learning what He has for us to learn.

Whatever kind of trial we may be enduring, we always pray that there will be a quick resolution to it all. We want the pain of the situation to end as soon as possible so that we can get back to living a more carefree existence and carry on with our own plans. We must realize that our God's ways are almost always different than ours.
I have learned that
God loves us so much that He will not remove any tribulation from our lives
until we have fully gleaned the spiritual insights that He intended for us to
learn. Maybe the lessons we need to
learn will not be fully accomplished through a short trial. Sometimes it is necessary to endure longer
periods of being stuck to grasp the godly characteristics our heavenly Father
desires to teach us. We must have faith and trust God with a willing teachable heart in every situation in our lives.
We may even continue to remain “stuck” at times because God is trying
to get our attention. There may be some areas
of sin that we need to deal with and confess before we can move on and live the joyful abundant
life God intends for us. Many of us find ourselves “stuck” repeating the same
lessons over and over because we refuse to humble ourselves and learn what God
wants to teach us. Wouldn't it be better if we would just take ourselves off the throne of our lives and put Jesus back on it where He belongs. Refusing to let go of our foolish pride only brings more destruction to our lives.
Have you found yourself stuck in a trial
that never seems to end? I most certainly have had many seasons like this in my life. Like me, have you ever begged God to end your
difficult situation but refuse to open your heart to learn the purpose for
those difficulties? If you haven’t humbled yourself in the midst
of your tribulation, the time is now. Sadly, if you never bow your will to His, you will continue remain stuck until you let go of your pride. The next time you feel stuck spiritually,
remember to be still and pray for God to help you learn the lessons He has for you, without delay.
I love your stories! I needed to hear this message as well - thank you.