I must admit
that one of my biggest downfalls is that I have a tendency to become easily
distracted. I find myself making excuses
for my inability to concentrate for very long at a task. Even though I do have a lot on my mind at all
times with kids, grandkids, homeschooling, church activities and trying to
minister to others, this is definitely one of the biggest areas in which I
desperately need improvement. As a result of my failure to
stay completely focused at times while driving, I’ve had the pleasure of being introduced to
several very nice law enforcement officers. Even though they all were quite pleasant and I haven’t been issued any
tickets thankfully, I’m always embarrassed at the predicaments that could’ve
been easily avoided if I’d only been more attentive.
One such
incident occurred several weeks ago while riding along in the car with my
daughters. My oldest daughter was still
becoming familiar with driving in some of the areas of the town where we
live. Everything seemed to be going
along great until I got the brilliant idea to show her a beautiful old home that
I had driven by the week before. I enjoy
looking at the architecture and design of homes and especially admire
landscapes and gardens. Instead of
driving all the way around the block to get to this gorgeous mansion, I thought
it would be easier to take a short cut.

I had not realized before that the road in
front of this home was a one way street.
She began questioning my driving instructions as she noticed the “One
Way” sign, but I was so enamored with staring at the amazing gardens and
grounds of this home that I was not paying attention to the signs. I told her to go ahead and turn down the
wrong way on the “One way” street! Against
her better judgment, she began to go around the corner just as a police car
pulled up on the opposite side of the street.
Once I saw
the police officer, my attention was immediately engaged in what was actually
taking place. We were just a few feet from
hitting his nice shiny car as we rounded the corner. I’ll never forget the angry surprised look of
disapproval on his face as long as I live! He was also making a rounding motion with his
fingers but we didn’t understand what he was trying to communicate. We then proceeded to climb up over the curb
and thankfully missed colliding with him.
I then realized that we must’ve served as some sort of comic relief for
him as his look of horror and anger turned to laughter and a huge friendly
We stopped,
rolled down the window, and informed him that we had realized our mistake and
asked for forgiveness. Thankfully he was
a kind hearted forgiving sort of person. He allowed us to back up, turn around and be
on our way without a ticket or warning of which we are eternally grateful. Always striving to find the positive aspect
in these embarrassing situations, we were at least thankful that we had
brightened someone’s day with laughter.
Right away
the Holy Spirit was convicting me of my lack of attentiveness in giving proper driving
directions to my daughter. I was wrong
to allow myself to become enticed by the pretty flower gardens instead of
keeping my eyes on the road ahead of us.
Spiritually speaking, this whole ordeal caused me to realize that I need
to be more focused on the most important things in life and not allow myself to
be so easily distracted by the temporal. I’m often led away by my selfish desires
instead of focusing on what God has me here to do.
We’re all distracted
by little things every day that channel our focus to the temporal instead of
the eternal. As I think of all of these
distractions I’m reminded of Jesus’ warning in John 10:10, “The
thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” If Satan cannot kill us or destroy our
lives through sin we get involved in, he will attack us by tempting us to
divert our attention to things that don’t matter and steal our time. If Satan tried his best to distract Jesus
Christ from fulfilling God’s purposes for bringing salvation to the world
through the cross, we had better be on guard to how he attempts to lure us away
as well. 2 Cor. 2:11, “Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are
not ignorant of his devices.”
There are a plethora of distractions in Satan’s
arsenal that He continually uses to get our eyes off accomplishing eternal things
for God’s kingdom. Maybe you yourself
can relate to how I have fallen prey to some of Satan’s devices concerning
distractions in my life? Have you also involved
yourselves in all of the “good” things that steal your time away each day
instead of us focusing on the “best” things?
Will all the time we spend on social media, hobbies, sports, music, leisure or entertainment last for eternity? Even educational pursuits, family functions or church activities can all be things but are these
all the very best ways to spend God's time? Isn’t it just like
Satan to use what is “good” to keep us from doing what is “best”!
Too often we
allow the Devil to continue to throw our past sin in our face. He whispers the lie that because of our past
sin we have no business doing anything for God now. God makes it clear however in I John 1:9,“If we
confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.”
He forgives our sin, it is forgiven as “far as the east is from the west…
When Satan tries to torment us with our past sin, we need to stand firm
and quote the Truth that refutes his lies and shuts him up. Our downfall comes
only when we act helpless and forget about the power we have in Christ through
His Word. Our ultimate goal is to
emulate Philippians 3:13, “…forgetting those things which are behind and
reaching forward to those things which are ahead.”
Many times
we’re distracted with the injustice of how others have mistreated us. I used to be so wrapped up with my wounds
that I wasted God’s valuable time choosing not to forgive offenders and was
plagued with the guilt of my unconfessed sin. I finally realized that it was Satan who sent
those people to be used as pawns to hurt me and distract me from God’s plan. Our example to follow is found in God's Word, “Be
kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God for
Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 When we’ve been hurt we must readily forgive
as Christ forgives us, learn what God wanted us to learn in allowing those hurts and
get back to the business of fulfilling His plan.
Has the
Enemy kept you distracted by your past or present sin struggles? Have you been
so wrapped up in the hurts of how you’ve been mistreated by others? Are you spending your time participating in the
“good” things in this life and neglect to fulfill the “best” God has for you to
do? When we reach the end of our lives will we
regret all of the wasted years we spent caught up in temporal distractions? Jesus calls us to follow Him, focus on His
plan for us and accomplish the impossible for Him. These are the ONLY things
that will truly last for eternity.