Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Are you one of those special people who at all times knows exactly which direction you are going and you never get lost?  I was definitely not born with the instinctive ability to tell the difference between north, south, east or west.  No matter how hard I strive to learn, I have resigned myself to the reality that I will always be directionally challenged.  For this very reason, my husband who is good with directions has been printing out maps and directions for me whenever I have needed to travel somewhere.  Recently, he has also installed a gps application on my phone but for some reason I continue to get lost even while using a map and gps.   

 Sadly, there have been numerous occasions when I’ve managed to get lost only a few miles away from home and this seems to happen to me on a regular basis.  Since we live in the country, I have a tendency to get preoccupied enjoying all of the breath taking scenery while driving and don’t always pay attention to where I’m going.  Making just one or two wrong turns can lead me astray for quite some time.  Many of you may be wondering why in the world my husband would let me out on my own, but believe me, I’m much more skilled at directions now than I used to be. 

It was my false sense of security in the fact that I hadn’t gotten lost in awhile that led into my most recent nerve racking predicament.   A few weeks ago, I ventured out to run some errands when my pride got the best of me.   It was on our way back home that I came up with the big idea to take a different road that I’ve never driven before.   I should have listened to the young voice of reason coming from the back seat as my son reminded me of all the other times we had gotten lost.  His gentle but firm warnings reminded me a little of how the Holy Spirit prompts us when we are about to go the wrong way, but of course I chose not to listen.  After all, I am the mom and  I assured him that since we'd been living at our home for over a year now that I knew the general direction that we should go.  I also couldn't resist the fact that it would be fun to take a totally different path. 

At first it was exciting and I felt like we were on an adventure to explore new areas that we had never seen before.  I was convinced that I had a pretty firm handle on where we were and which way we should take to get us back to the main road leading home.  I do believe that my underlying thought process was a bit haughty because I thought that if I could accomplish finding my way back home through another route, I could brag to my husband that I was getting better with directions.  As we drove down each gravel road, I admired the breathtaking landscape of farms and acreages we came across and the beautiful sun as it was beginning to set in the sky.  As it slowly grew closer to night fall and there were no familiar roads in sight, I began to question my reasoning for taking this unfamiliar way.   
Noticing the look on my face and sensing the fear resonating in my voice, my son strongly urged the importance of us finding the gps app on my phone so that we could get home soon.  We pulled over and I managed to find a map but I didn’t recognize where we were so I couldn’t type in my beginning location.  In my technological ineptness, I continued to try to figure out how to work the gps or find where we were located on the map.  The pit in my stomach continued to grow larger with each passing moment and I began to become more fearful and anxious.  This is about the time when I usually call my husband at home and ask for directions but he was out of town so that was not an option this time.  I finally did what I should’ve done in the beginning and stopped to pray for God to keep me calm and help us find our way back to the right road.  It didn’t take much longer until we came to a sign that told us we were about 1 hour away from our hometown.  This realization was surprising since our wayward journey began only about 15 minutes from home.  We continued to pray and I was so thankful to finally get to a highway that I recognized and we eventually made it home.    

So many thoughts scurried through my mind as I later contemplated the craziness of our evening.  What possessed me to think it would be fun to drive through the countryside blindly following roads that led us so far from our intended destination?  What was I hoping to gain by going off the well known path?  Why did I ever ignore my son’s gentle warnings of the fact that I know I should always stay on the right road?  Every single time I have strayed and gone my own way, I end up causing myself so many problems, not to mention the fear and anxiety I inflict on myself and others.   I don't know why I deviate from the right road only to end up wasting so much time and money driving around trying to find my way back to where I should've stayed in the first place.   
This whole situation reminded me of what it’s like when we as Christians willingly and consciously decide to make a wrong turn spiritually.  We purposefully stray away from the narrow path that God has laid out so clearly before us to follow.   Often times we rationalize our rebellion by feeling like we are harmlessly exploring the world and that there won’t ever be any negative consequences.  It may seem like an exciting adventure at first, but I assure you that following the wrong road will always lead us to become disoriented and disillusioned.  Once we have wasted the time and money that God has graciously given us to use for working in His kingdom, we are left only with regret and guilt from violating and turning from His perfect path and plan for our lives.
You may be like me and be prideful and stubborn, refusing to heed the voice of reasoning warning you of your need to turn back to the right road.  Maybe you even feel as if it’s too late for you to get back on track because you’ve been following your own way for so long.  You’ve made so many wrong turns you have given up and you’re lost, scared, hopeless and defeated.   With God, it is never ever too late to humble yourself and admit you chose to take a wrong path and humbly confess it.  We won't ever be so lost that we cannot make a right turn and find our way back to the narrow road that leads to blessing. 
To find the right road again, it is crucial that we acknowledge we have been lost and ask God to forgive us for our disobedience.   We can then be restored back into His loving arms and enjoy His sweet fellowship once again. I have found that the best way to never get lost, is to stay on the narrow route.  It is the only way to follow in life to be able to experience the full abundance of God’s blessings is to simply stay on the right course.  Psalm 119:1, “Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord."
The best way to avoid the heartache and destruction from taking the wrong path is to purpose to follow the road marked right no matter what the cost.  No matter how alluring, exciting, adventurous, inviting and appealing exploring the wrong road may seem, God warns us that the wide road always leads to death.  We are cautioned in Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way that seems right to a man but the end leads to destruction.”  Please remember my example of disobedience whenever you are tempted to go down the wrong road that leads to pain, sorrow and destruction.  May each of us seek God with our whole heart and be reminded of the importance of staying on the abundant path that leads to blessing.  May we never purposefully make any more wrong turns in the future.